Umoja for peace and resilience

Umoja for Peace and Resilience (UPR), formerly known as Umoja Charity Foundation, is a non-profit organization founded in 2019. Since its inception, UPR has been dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of individuals in humanitarian settings within Uganda.

Strategic areas of focus

Umoja for Peace and Resilience is committed to uplifting refugees and displaced individuals through targeted programs. These initiatives include vocational education, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, promoting mental health and social inclusion, integrating refugees into the workforce, and enhancing financial literacy. Together, these efforts provide the necessary skills and support for sustainable livelihoods and community development.

Psychosocial support and social inclusion

In the intricate tapestry of humanitarian efforts, where the challenges of displacement extend far beyond the physical, UPR stands committed to addressing the multifaceted needs within the “Psychosocial Support and Social Inclusion” programmatic area.

Social innovation and entrepreneuship development

In the landscape of humanitarian efforts, where challenges are multifaceted, UPR stands as a catalyst for transformative change. Focused on the “Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development” programmatic area, UPR pursues a strategic path anchored by three core programs: Social Innovation Incubation, Entrepreneurship Training, and Microenterprise Development.

Education and vocational training for empowerment

In the realm of empowering refugees and forcibly displaced individuals, UPR is dedicated to a holistic approach encapsulated within the “Education and Vocational Training for Empowerment” programmatic area.

Moving from Ideas to action

In Nakivale Refugee Settlement, refugees encounter significant challenges in establishing and growing businesses, including a lack of essential entrepreneurship skills, resources, and access to tools. Recognizing these obstacles, UMOJA introduced the “Moving from Ideas to Action” Entrepreneurship program in 2019. This initiative aims to provide refugees with crucial support to thrive as entrepreneurs.

U-Innovate program

This year, UMOJA proudly launched the "U-Innovate" program, aimed at equipping young people in Nakivale Refugee Settlement with essential 21st-century skills to tackle pressing community challenges. This initiative empowers youth to drive meaningful change through innovation, addressing critical issues within their communities.

The program unfolds in three phases:

Participants undergo a rigorous 5-day social innovation training bootcamp. Here, teams identify and thoroughly analyze community problems, laying the groundwork for innovative solutions.
Following the bootcamp, teams embark on a comprehensive 2-month mentorship and coaching period. They collaborate closely with assigned mentors, refining their solutions through research and expert guidance.
The culmination of the program is a pitching session where teams showcase their prototypes to potential investors and donors. They compete for a seed funding grant essential for implementing their innovative solutions.

Integrating Refugees into Uganda's workforce.

Recognizing the challenges refugees face in obtaining legal status and work permits, our initiative aims to facilitate their seamless integration into Uganda's workforce, promoting economic self-sufficiency and resilience within refugee communities.

In collaboration with the Federation of Uganda Employers (FUE) and Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT), we launched this initiative in 2021. The goal is to assess refugee competencies and provide essential documentation to qualified individuals, enabling them to legally work in their respective fields.

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People empowered

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Innovations implimented

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Sessions conducted


Successful business launched

This ongoing effort underscores our commitment to providing essential mental health care and support, ensuring refugees receive the assistance they need to rebuild their lives with dignity and strength.